Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our newborn baby pictures of Michael

Obviously he is not a newborn here- we have to imagine what he would have looked like. Sometimes I hold him and describe how he must have looked to his Ethiopian mama. How sweet his little face was. How beautiful his long eyelashes tiny he she counted his toes and kissed his cheeks.

Michael was wearing size 18 month clothes but was really 4-5 years old. He was so tiny- but grew and grew that 1st year he was home.
Michael loved being on his new daddy's shoulders. This made him feel comfortable. Whenever he felt sad this was helpful in cheeering him up. They spent hours walking around like this in Ethiopia.

1 comment:

  1. I just remember hearing a lot of "ayyo" and wondering if he would actually like "ethiopian food", rochester style, and feeling rather proud/relieved when he dug in. Also that first trip to Seabreeze was really special. I remember Michael hated ketchup and Yabsera's nubby little finger.
